Naomi Bellos / Renée Gélinas / Judith Klugerman
Thursday, October 10, 2019
5 pm - 7 pm
Atelier Circulaire is happy to announce the launching of a series of events to meet the artist members and discover the work in the portfolio collection. The first of these "Portfolio Cocktail" events will be held on Thursday, October 10th, from 5 to 7 p.m. This event will showcase three artists, who each with their unique vision, create abstract works using a combination of printing processes.
Naomi Bellos has been using print media for the past 25 years as a process to explore a visual idea. Her work could be likened to "magical landscapes" which are created through a process of multiple layers of printing and mixing print techniques. Naomi will present both her two-dimensional prints and her three-dimensional constructions at this event. Know more about Naomi Bellos
Renée Gélinas creates abstract constructions that stem from a process of non-linear composition close to that of poetic creation and are deliberately devoid of perspective, meaning and symbols. Renée will also present her recent works for the event. Know more about Renée Gélinas
Judith Klugerman uses fragmentation for her geometric compositions. Inspired by her travels, Judith uses patterns, grids and intertwined shapes to create a play of lines, colors and textures. Judith will also tell us about her latest works currently presented in her solo exhibition at Stewart Hall, Pointe-Claire. Know more about Judith Klugerman
After the presentations, the portfolios of Atelier Circulaire's members will be available for consultation.