Mirabelle Ricard studied graphic design and cinema before photography became her favorite medium. Thanks to ancient techniques such as gum bichromate, cyanotype and the lumen process, she tackles the themes of memory and traces.

A recent member of Atelier Circulaire, she explores and combines the arts of printmaking. The more singular elements that she incorporates into her recent work are filled with poetry.

She is now invited to participate in various exhibitions (Galerie du viaduc, Galerie Carte blanche, Glen Echo in Toronto, l'Entrepôt in New Orleans), and many artists regularly seek her talent to document important events. Added to this is the magazine Vie des Arts which regularly publishes her work.

  • Sin palabras $70
  • Now $80
  • Thalassophone $140
  • Hydrosophie $110
  • Biophylaxie $90
  • siderodidacte $90
  • Printemps $90
  • Impro jazz $80
  • Impro jazz V.1 $80