Atelier Circulaire is a non-profit, artist-run centre that provides a space for research and creation in printmaking to artists of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of practice. We offer courses in various printmaking techniques and our coordinators offer support in screen printing, lithography, intaglio, digital, relief, and many other techniques, according to the needs of our members.
Atelier Circulaire has two exhibition spaces: a gallery located on the ground floor which presents a rotating program of international submissions, as well as a gallery adjoining the workshops on the 5th floor reserved for members, residents and scholarship holders.
The community spirit we have cultivated in our premises allows artists to collaborate and exchange, to have access to tools and equipment, traditional and current printmaking techniques, and to share knowledge. All this combines to make Atelier Circulaire an inspiring and enriching place for all.
Help us share the mysteries and treasures of printmaking with the public, and allow artists to keep their craft alive!

By making a donation as part of our 2023 fundraising campaign, you join Atelier Circulaire’s community.
You will be invited to join community meals and cultural mediation activities, and receive our newsletter and our “famous” Christmas card engraving. You will also have the opportunity to participate in our events as a volunteer.
Thanks to its charitable status, Atelier Circulaire can directly issue a tax receipt for any donation over $25.
For more information, contact Sonnie Park at [email protected]
Atelier Circulaire is in large part made possible by the generous gift of our members and donors. During these challenging times, we realize how important it is to keep our space available to the artists to preserve our strong sense of community.
Artists, philanthropists, art lovers, wide public, your donation matters, as attested by our two spokespersons.

''Atelier Circulaire is an essential in the Quebec visual arts landscape. Dedicated to printed art since 1982, rapidly becoming an institution, Atelier Circulaire needs help to keep going.
I was first attracted by its communal mode of operation; a place for work and exchanges on a human scale. A space where art is possible. Where the motion linking conception to deed may take place.
We owe it greatly. I owe it greatly. Since 1999 on De Castelnau. And every year since, I have kept on working there. An anchoring point for printed art, Circulaire is a beacon for artists.
Upheld and sustained by the continued faith of its denizens, we ask for your help to keep Atelier Circulaire up and running.''
— Marc Séguin
“This hidden treasure on De Gaspé Street, so alive with talent and expertise, makes you want to seek shelter there for days on end to uncover the mysteries of the multiples techniques available.
When I was made aware of the temporarily precarious situation Atelier Circulaire was in, due to major property tax hikes, and of the necessity for this extraordinary creative haven to become better known, I added my voice without hesitation to those of its artists, in order to quickly procure the needed funds.”
— Pascale Bussières